If you regularly watched animated shows during the 1990s, you might remember the Walt Disney Television Animation series called Gargoyles. This show boasted a darker tone than many other Disney shows at the time, which, along with the series’ overall high quality, helped it gain a devoted cult following that persists to this day. Notably, the show received a 1995 tie-in game for the Sega Genesis that also garnered a fair bit of praise, albeit not as much as the animated series. Now, after over two decades, it appears that this Genesis Gargoyles game will make a major comeback in the form of a modern remaster recently announced by Disney.
The original game accompanied a whole host of Disney tie-in games that came out in the ’90s, mostly on the Genesis. Most of these games based themselves on Disney’s classic film IPs, such as Aladdin and The Lion King, so the Gargoyles game’s status as an adaptation of a TV show made it stand out.
These Disney tie-in games tended to push the boundaries of what the Genesis could handle in terms of graphics and animation, and the Gargoyles game stood as no exception. The fluid manner in which the player character Goliath would dash and climb across the screen remains incredibly impressive, and the dramatic lighting of every sprite does a lot to sell the atmosphere. Any positive first impressions you might have could easily turn into frustration, however, as Gargoyles, much like other Disney games at the time, had a reputation for its unforgiving difficulty.
At the moment, we know very little about this Genesis Gargoyles remaster and what kind of features it will include, although we can probably expect to see some quality-of-life additions like a rewind option. Hopefully, this remaster will
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