Welcome to Uncharted Realms! Tacticians from across the Convergence have recklessly wielded the power of Draconic Augments and Ancient Dragons, and through this, they have forever changed the Dragonlands! For these patch notes, I'll cover the system changes that will accompany our new mid-set, but for a detailed breakdown on the new units and traits, cosmetics, or Dragons, click on the appropriate links. Alright, let’s wade into the shallows! Rodger «MinionsRpeople2» Caudill CHEAT SHEET And here's a high quality version for my high quality readers (that's you, fwiw).
UNCHARTED REALMS COSMETIC CONTENT The best place to read about the new personalization content coming in Uncharted Realms is from the here, but the second best place is right here. UNCHARTED REALMS PASS AND PASS+ Just like all our Passes, the Uncharted Realms Pass gives you a bunch of free content as you play and collect XP, but if you upgrade to the Pass+ for 1295 RP/TC you'll have access to ALL the level rewards throughout the pass.
And just like our Dragonlands Pass+, the Uncharted Realms Pass+ has an exclusive Arena, the Grotto of the Secret Spa, at the end! Check out the below images for a peek at some of the content. With the Pass+ you’ll also get Regal Koi Starmaw at one, two stars, and three stars without having to give them the Star Shard royal treatment! The Pass+ also includes four new aquatic booms, three lovely Spa arenas, Bungo Eggs, Prancie Eggs, and of course, Star Shards! And this time around, both Pass and Pass+ holders can unlock our mid-set’s chilled out Sauna Sprite! SPLASH RESORTS CHESTS The Splash Resort Chests (390 RP) can contain our new Mythic Little Legend, Dragon Trainer Pengu (5%) or Choncc’s Splash Resort arena (guaranteed on or
. Read more on leagueoflegends.com