In the expansive universe created by Gene Roddenberry in the 1960s, the Star Trek franchise has created hundreds of life-threatening situations, and shown the untimely deaths of many a Starfleet officer. Most of these deaths were via nefarious forces, while some were simply by accident, but it is always the captains' duty to try and protect as many people as possible, no matter the cost. Despite this, however, they can not always pull it off. Sometimes, not everyone can make it. Of all the captains over the last 60 odd years, who lost the most crew?
There are three distinct angles by which to explore this. One possible angle is to determine what captain lost the moves lives, another looks at what captain was willing to lose the most lives, but for whatever reason, didn’t have to at the last minute. Finally, we consider which captain lost the largest percentage of their crew members.
Of all the captains in the Star Trek universe, few have had to face as much trauma as Captain Benjamin Sisko. His entire life is a rolling wheel of problems, starting with the death of his wife at the hands of the Borg, and ending in him commanding a large armada in the Dominion war. Deep Space 9 was always intended to be a more realistic, grittier exploration of the Federation, looking closer at those on the outskirts of their controlled space who are often overlooked or forgotten. Sisko is repeatably thrown impossible situations that have no clear good answer, constantly balancing the thin line between morally good and bad (but for good reasons). Some of these actions would even technically class him as a war criminal.
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For Sisko, it’s hard to specifically count the deaths under his