Date a Live is an anime based on the light novel series written by Koshi Tachibana. It is a thrilling sci-fi anime filled with adventure, romance, and comedy. With news of season four set to release in 2022, a preview of the earlier seasons to remind fans of what the show has to offer is important. The anime revolves around Shido Itsuka, who meets a mysterious-looking girl who is later revealed to be a “Spirit” from another universe who enters the real world. This mystery girl is initially portrayed as the leading cause of the planet’s immediate problems: spatial quakes.
Later on in the anime, it turns out that this one mystery girl isn’t the only source of his problems. Collectively, “Spirits” are the main cause of mankind’s impending doom. So, to prevent the planet's destruction, Shido has to seal these «Spirits'» powers, which can only happen when they fall in love with him. Soon, Shido leads a harem, where Spirits compete for his affection. At first glance, dating Spirits seems silly. However, the anime executes the idea on a totally different level. The impressive character illustrations, comedy-filled episodes, and the occasional fantasy-lined events makeDate A Live a top-notch anime.
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Date a Live introduces viewers to a set of powerful beings, "Spirits," that control magic and are the main cause of Earth's 30-year-long large-scale disasters, known as «spatial quakes.» The anime reveals two different options for dealing with these problematic spirits. The first is by killing them. So, humanity waged war against these otherworldly creatures by using the AST (Anti Spirit Team), a Japan Ground Self-Defence Force member team. These battles were fought with the Spirits using