Sonny Boy initially aired in the Summer of 2021, featuring a class of 36 students drifting through a void. The setting is based on the 1970’s horror manga, The Drifting Classroom, however, the show quickly abandons this setting as it moves from scene to scene. The abrupt shifts in plot often leave the viewer disorientated and left with many questions unanswered.
Despite all the confusion surrounding Sonny Boy, with some explanation, many of the puzzle pieces fall into place. Unfortunately, not all of Sonny Boy can be explained, and perhaps that is intended by design. Even though there might not be an answer to every question, the ones that can be answered will help make sense of Sonny Boy.
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Fortunately, the cause of the students drifting does have an answer. Nagara’s ability to create worlds is what created the parallel worlds the students exist in. Mizuho’s cats created copies of the students who exist in the worlds Nagara created. Finally, Mizuho’s true ability is to grant immortality, which is why everyone can live for so long. However, the reason why they ended up drifting is left unanswered, which can be unsatisfying for some viewers.
The power holdovers, which are the objects that have special powers, also have an explanation. Rajdhani mentions in episode 11 that as a person grows older, they eventually lose their consciousness and humanity. After a long enough time, the students will eventually turn into a power holdover. While we don’t know exactly what happens to every student, we do learn that Rajdhani eventually turns into a forest. Knowing that the rest of the cast will eventually turn into power holdovers provides some more closure for the series.
One of the most frustrating