Shin Megami Tensei 5’s Surt is easily the most intimidating boss you’ve encountered so far. Not only is the boss the size of a skyscraper, but you’ve seen this blazing bloke burn through battalions of battle-hardened angels effortlessly. He also has a colossal sword that looks like a really aggressive lightsaber. Needless to say, he's a bit of a beast.
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Being the mid-boss of Chiyoda, Surt is no pushover, but he is pretty easy to figure out. Being the fiery ruler of Muspelheim, Surt is all about the raging inferno. Like with all the bosses in Shin Megami Tensei 5, he will go down without much fuss with a little preparation.
As is to be expected from a Norse Fire Giant, Surt loves to smack you around with a mixture of Fire and Physical attacks. Both have dangerously high Potentials, being +6 and +4 respectively. This is made even worse by his monstrously high Strength (63) and Magic stats (58) — both of which put every other boss so far to shame. Getting slapped around by Surt is not going to be a fun time.
Surt is not a boss you want to mess around with,and his attack list hammers that fact home. Even if you are not weak to Physical or Fire, Surt can very quickly take chunks out of your party. If you are weak to either, then you may as well throw in the towel.
All of Surt's attacks are dangerous to some degree, however, Fire Dracostrike and Ragnarok are easily the two that you need to worry about. Fire Dracostrikes Strength-based fire damage is nothing to scoff at when Surt has 64 Strength a +6 Potential to boost that even further.
Ragnarok is a bit more random but is more than capable of downing a support demon if you get unlucky. The damage is high enough that even tougher