Bob's final mission in Serial Cleaners takes place in Grand Central Station. The first priority is helping Palmieri escape before he's apprehended, but once the target is safe there's still a lot of cleanup to do. Bob and Erin tag-team to get the job done.
Related: Serial Cleaners: Brooklyn Bridge Mission Guide
With lots of open sight lines and a complicated set of objectives, this is one of the most challenging missions in the game. With this guide, you'll be able to carry out each step in order and evade capture. If you've made it this far into the game, you've certainly got the skills to finish the job!
Palmieri can't be carried, only dragged - this means it will be slow-going to get him anywhere safely. Leave him at his starting position and follow the only path available, to the right and then up to an open door. Squeeze through and follow the blood trail south, avoiding the cops nearby. If you have the opportunity, grab any evidence that you see along the path so you don't have to get it later.
At the end of the blood trail, press the button on the wall to open the main door, which will give you a way to bring Palmieri forward. Don't retrieve him yet, though, as you still have work to do!
Get the key from the dining area on the bottom-right, then bring it to the right side of the station and unlock the door to the phone room. With the way clear, get Palmieri and carefully drag him to the unlocked room. Stay low and use the benches for cover - you won't be able to make the entire trip in one shot, so time your movements according to each guards' patrol.
Once you're in the phone room, lock both doors just in case, then hide Palmieri in the dumpster. When that's done, you'll be able to use the pay phone near the door