Marvel Comics has announced a new, self-titled ongoing series starring Wanda Maximoff, AKA the Scarlet Witch. Writer Steve Orlando, artist Sara Pichelli, and colorist Matt Wilson will team up for the new run, which will launch "a new era" for the fan-favorite character.
Following Wanda's redemption in X-Men: Trial of Magneto, she's reborn as a hero who uses her powers in a new way. Her goal? To help those who need it most using the magic she possesses...
By running her own magic shop. Hidden behind a secret door that can only be seen by those who need it most, seekers will find the Scarlet Witch after she's hit rock bottom and finally found peace. But when a woman enters the shop and tells Wanda "a terrifying story about a town gone mad," the witch will have to tackle the threat.
"Since I first stepped into the House of Ideas, the Scarlet Witch has been with me – in fact, she was the star of my first Marvel work ever, kicking ass, weaving spells, and humbling Doom in Darkhold!" Orlando says in the announcement. "So, there was no way I could pass up the chance to work on Scarlet Witch.
"Wanda Maximoff has finally broken free of the shadows she's wrestled with for years. And now? Sara Pichelli, Russell Dauterman, and I are unveiling the next chapter of her powerful, improbable, magical life. When you have nowhere else to turn to the Scarlet Witch. And God help anyone who gets in her way."
The last time the Scarlet Witch starred in her own solo series was between 2015-2017, in a 15-issue run written by James Robinson. Now she's back in a whole different way, which artist Pichelli acknowledges in Marvel's announcement.
"You have been waiting Scarlet Witch's solo return for so long!" she says. "Finally that time