Initially releasing in July 2015, Rocket League has become a consistently popular multiplayer title in the years since its release. Bringing multiple new cars and other changes with each new Rocket League season, the game combining soccer and cars proved to be quite the unique title. However, when one game proves to be successful through a certain gameplay style, plenty are bound to try and imitate it. Now, it seems 2K Games is readying itself to compete with Rocket League as it designs a new title called Gravity Goal.
According to a recent leak by Tom Henderson, the company behind sports titles such as WWE 2K22 and NBA 2K22 is working on a game that will be highly similar to Rocket League. Allegedly, Gravity Goal will give players a similar style of gameplay to Rocket League, in that the former will also offer 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 matchmaking revolving around a ball being knocked into a goal using vehicles.
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While Gravity Goal may immediately seem like a carbon copy of the game it wants to compete with, it does reportedly have some major twists that will set it apart from Rocket League. First, Gravity Goal won't have players driving cars in order to score goals and will instead revolve around bikes similar to the light cycles seen in the TRON movies. This isn't the first time TRON has crossed over with gaming, as battle royale games like Fall Guys and Fortnite have both featured TRON skins.
Keeping with the TRON theme, players of Gravity Goal will also be able to throw discs at their opponents, which will damage an enemy's bike and cause them either to slow down or stop entirely. While Rocket League does have a slightly futuristic atmosphere, Gravity Goal will reportedly take