While you are at work or school, waiting around to go home and play games can be a drag. Unfortunately, sometimes your place of education or employment will set up blocks on fun games to prevent you from wasting your time. However, we are gamers, and we do not give up that easily. If you do not have a VPN to get around these blocks, here are some websites that can give you a chance to play some of your favorite games on a laptop or PC from an unblocked website.
Related: How to unblock Minecraft at school or work
Unblocked website games Minecraft ClassicIf your work or school has blocked the actual Minecraft Classic website, we recommend trying this secondary link. You won’t be able to invite friends to play with you like the normal one, but this is a fun little area to build things while you have some downtime.
Pac-ManPac-Man received a Google doodle to celebrate its 30th anniversary that quickly became the ultimate way to waste your time at work in 2010 while it was active. Luckily, you can access this game still by looking at the Doodle Archives. Just press Insert Coin and control Pac-Man with the arrow keys.
SnakeHow could a teacher get mad at you for learning math if you are at school? This Snake game on mathisfun.com will allow you to count and play the classic game while keeping track of your high score.
Super Mario Bros.Let’s face it, playing Super Mario Bros. in a web browser is never going to be the best way to enjoy the classic game, but the very fact that you can do that is amazing on its own.
TetrisTetris is the perfect game to waste your time to. There is a reason it is one of the most successful games of all time and singlehandedly helped the Game Boy be a success back in the day. Here is a standard
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