ThePokemon franchise is one of the most popular multimedia franchises in the world, and it's given rise to a variety of incredibly iconic monster designs. However, one of the most famous aspects of Pokemon is the Poke Ball, a round device used to capture adorable pocket monsters and carry them around in a convenient manner. One Pokemon fan has brought the Poke Ball to life with an incredible custom design that shakes and lights up, just like fictional Poke Balls do.
Over the years, there have been a lot of Poke Ball variants introduced to the franchise. The most famous types of Poke Balls are the default red and white Poke Ball, the blue Great Ball, the black and yellow Ultra Ball, and the purple Master Ball. Each of these variants has greater odds of capturing a Pokemon when thrown.
Pokemon Fan Creates Custom Poke Balls for Violet and Scarlet Starters
Redditor Irony94 shared a short video of their creation with the accompanying text, «I created a pokeball that keeps shaking, and has lights!» The video shows the Poke Ball sitting on a desk or table and rocking in place while the light on the latch blinks slowly. This isn't the first time Pokemon fans have tried to make real-life Poke Balls, but it may be the most lively.
In the Pokemon franchise, Poke Balls are often shown rocking back and forth with a blinking light after being used. This is a visual shorthand meant to convey that the Pokemon inside is struggling to break free. If the Poke Ball stops rocking and the light stops blinking, the Pokemon has been captured, and a victorious jingle is played. However, if the Pokemon is not captured, it will break free, and the Poke Ball will be lost. Irony94's creation is designed to remain in that uncertain state indefinitely.