OnePokemon Scarlet and Violet fan artist has recently created an animation that shows the unfortunate demise of Smoliv at the hands of Grafaiai. A little over a week ago, a Pokemon Scarlet and Violet video featuring Grafaiai was posted, revealing that it would be one of the new pocket monsters coming in Gen 9. Unsurprisingly, some gamers have been making fan art based on this Toxic Monkey Pokemon since its announcement.
Among those making impressive creations featuring Grafaiai is a fan known as gatekid3 on Reddit. They used their skills in animation to make a brief but memorable video involving this new pocket monster along with Smoliv, which is from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. The video, simply called «Smoliv Dies,» reimagined the 3D designs of the Pokemon as pixel art, and it gave fans a look at what the behaviors of these two creatures could be like.
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The clip involving a showdown between Smoliv and Grafaiai took place on a path in the middle of an open field. Both Pokemon were situated in the middle of the screen, looking at each other. Notably, Smoliv had a worried expression on its face and made a couple of nervous noises. After a few seconds, Grafaiai stuck its finger in its mouth, coating it with poisonous saliva. Then, it touched Smoliv with the same hand, covering the small Pokemon in deadly goo. Several moments later, the green pocket monster collapsed to the ground. To add insult to injury, Grafaiai then spat on the dead body of Smoliv before the clip ended.
Since gatekid3 shared this Pokemon Scarlet and Violet fan animation with gamers on Reddit, many have been commenting about the video. Among the comments, one user said that this