Peaky Blinders star Cillian Murphy reflects on playing the show's leading role for over ten years. The British drama series first premiered in September of 2013 and ran for six seasons. Peaky Blinders' sixth and final season aired in February of 2022, with the show's last episode premiering on April 3. Murphy played the leading role of crime boss Tommy Shelby, the leader of a street gang called the Peaky Blinders, with the series following Shelby's life and family.
Boasting a star-powered cast that included the late Helen McCrory, Sam Neill, Tom Hardy, and Adrien Brody, Peaky Blinders was an incredibly popular and well-beloved series among fans and critics alike. The series was nominated for several awards throughout its run, and would collect a total of three BAFTAs. Murphy's powerful portrayal of Shelby would also earn him several best performance awards in the UK. Though Peaky Blinders has since come to the end of its run on television, a feature-length follow-up film has been teased in place of a seventh season.
Related: How Peaky Blinders Changed British Period Drama
In an interview with EW, Murphy recalls what it was like to play Shelby for so many years. Though the show would only have a nine-year run, filming began in 2012, meaning that Murphy played Shelby for over a decade. Murphy says that it was a unique experience to grow older with one character and that it was something he had never gotten the chance to do with projects in the past. Read Murphy's full comment below:
It's fascinating. We started shooting this in 2012 so when it comes out, that will be a decade, so it's a big chapter of my life, a big chunk of my life. In between I did lots of other things but I've never had that experience of growing older