The One Punch Man anime and manga series revolves around protagonist Saitama, a hero who is capable of defeating villains of any class with one punch. Saitama’s strength is unrivaled by any Disaster-Class villain or S-Class hero.
Saitama’s ability to defeat his opponent without exerting much effort is a testament to the character’s overwhelming nature. It’s laughable that what Saitama calls “normal punches” contrary to his serious punches, obliterates most enemies they hit with little to no effort. Perhaps, there is more to this self-acclaimed hero’s power, lying beneath the surface, waiting to be unleashed.
One-Punch Man: What is the King Engine?
In the anime, Saitama’s student, Genos questioned him on the source of his power, and he explains by sharing unbelievably decent answers, incomparable to his power level. According to Saitama, he achieved immense strength by performing 100 push-ups, 100 squats, 100 sit-ups, and running 10 kilometers daily for about a year. Genos hears this and doubts the credibility of Saitama’s explanations, suggesting that the routine isn’t stressful. However, Saitama refuses to budge on his stance, attributing the loss of his hair to his somewhat intense workout routine. This whole narrative leads Genos to the conclusion that Saitama is unaware of his power’s origin.
Saitama’s strength is one of the reasons One-Punch Man is an interesting series. However, the origins of his power are shrouded in mystery. In several instances in the manga and anime, Saitama displayed striking feats, garnering the attention of fans. There are several theories about the source of Saitama’s strengths, some deduced by the comedic series’ characters, others by fans using various factors. Saitama was first portrayed