Although Saitama is the main character and the titular One-Punch Man, this extremely popular superhero anime features a variety of unique characters all with their own special suite of powers. One of the more frequently featured characters is Genos, one of Saitama's most loyal allies and his self-styled disciple. Genos is one of the few characters that knew Saitama before he joined the Hero Association, and is naturally privy to Saitama's true strength and power.
While he is not as ridiculously powerful as Saitama, Genos is a powerful hero in his own right, and is currently an S-Class Hero named the Demon Cyborg. Genos's main strengths come from his fully cybernetic body, which grants him a variety of tools, weapons, and powers that are far beyond the capabilities of a normal human. Furthermore, Genos's abilities are frequently changed out and upgraded depending on the situation, meaning it can be hard to keep track of his various abilities.
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Genos was already quite strong before meeting with Saitama. After his home and family was destroyed by a rampaging cyborg, Genos begged Dr. Kuseno, who was in pursuit of the cyborg, to give him a cyborg body. Genos's cybernetic prosthetics give him incredible strength and speed, allowing him to destroy many monsters with relative ease. Genos's body is also equipped with a variety of useful sensors to scan for life signals and enemy positions. His main weapons are his incineration cannons placed within the palms of his hands. He can fire heat, fire, or plasma at varying strengths depending on what kind of arms he currently has equipped.
Genos's cyborg body is powered by an energy core located within his chest. In addition, his body is