The Persona franchise has undergone multiple iterations with their own unique style since the series started way back in 1996, and some games have drawn inspiration from the recently released Persona 5. The upcoming One Piece Odyssey RPG is drawing some clear comparisons to Persona 5 as its battle user interface shares a lot of similarities.
Details about the new One Piece RPG continue to pour out as development gets closer to going gold, with multiple screenshots from Odyssey shared to the game's Japanese website giving small hints at what fans of the anime can expect. Although some screenshots are close-ups of prominent One Piece characters, the battle screenshots have garnered the attention of many fans, including Persona 5 players that have noted parallels between the battle UI in Odyssey and the latest Persona title. This UI is portrayed in two separate screenshots, with one seemingly focusing on a powerful boss and the other including two smaller enemies.
One Piece Odyssey RPG Announced
A One Piece Odyssey image shows Roronoa Zoro standing across from two unique-looking creatures from the popular Shonen anime in a circular battle arena with a tip menu showing that the character's proximity to the enemies makes a difference in this RPG's combat system. The menu on the right side shows several attacks that Zoro can choose between, while the opposite side draws the most comparisons to Persona 5 as the characters in Zoro's party are highlighted similar to Atlus' RPG. Zoro's character portrait is filled in accordingly as the active party member, while Luffy is flushed red, Nami is orange, and Usopp is fittingly yellow.
Beyond the color scheme of One Piece Odyssey's battle UI, the health and TP of each anime hero are