Quirks are special abilities that exist within almost everyone in the world of My Hero Academia. Although quite rare once, Quirks have become increasingly common over the years and currently, around 80% of the population in the world of My Hero Academia possesses these meta abilities. All Might, the strongest Hero of all time, was considered to be the greatest Quirk user in his prime and much of it was down to the power of One For All that was passed down to him.
Eventually, All Might passed this power down to Izuku Midoriya, the protagonist of the story and, with time, Midoriya has gone on to make this power his own. When compared to the rest of the Quirks, One For All stands out as one of the strongest abilities to ever exist, and it is the very nature of its creation that's become the true source of its power.
What Makes My Hero Academia's New Order Quirk Such A Game Changer
The One For All is not a Quirk that always existed like All For One. Instead, it was created by a combination of two different Quirks. The creation of One For All dates back to several decades ago when Quirks first came into existence and people realized they could make use of these powers. The strongest of all Quirks, All For One, fell into the hands of a man named All For One. Using its powers, he was able to steal the Quirks of other people freely, stockpile them, make use of all those abilities for himself or distribute it among other people. Quite clearly, the power of All For One was incredibly dangerous.
His brother, Yoichi, was thought to not have a Quirk but, at the same time, he had a strong sense of justice. To turn his head, All For One gifted him a Quirk to stockpile energy. To everyone's surprise, Yoichi did, in fact, have a Quirk with
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