During the recent Tokyo Game Show 2022, Capcom finally shed some light on the upcoming second title update for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, which releases later this month.
It is set to add a boatload of new content for players. These include three new monster sub-species, new Anomaly Research quests, unlocking layered weapons and much, much more.
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is easily one of Capcom's biggest games of 2022, despite being an expansion to an already existing title. It is one of Capcom's bestselling titles, shipping more than 2 million copies worldwide within the first week of the expansion's launch.
Given the mass appeal of the Monster Hunter games, Capcom has always supported these titles with long-term post-launch plans that add a ton of new and exciting content for players.
These range from new locales to explore and battle monsters in, new weapons, armor and other trinkets as well as entirely new monsters and their sub-species.
Last month, Sunbreak received its first title update, which added new monsters, a new hunting arena and a bunch of new quests, including the very exciting Anomaly quests that grant unique rewards upon completion.
During the Capcom Panel at the Tokyo Game Show 2022, three new monster subspecies were unveiled for the upcoming second title update for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. These are:
According to Capcom, The Violet Mizutsune are Leviathans known for their beautiful lilac-colored fur. These monsters secrete a fluid, which they use to slide around, targeting their prey and opponents with gas-filled bubbles.
Though they appear to be graceful creatures, the regal facade quickly fades away as they envelop themselves in pale flames and bathe their surroundings in a beautiful, but
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