Placing invisible frames on walls in Minecraft is perfect for decorating. Minecraft offers players endless possibilities with how they wish to create their own world. It's possible to jump immediately into the game as part of its survival mode or enter its creative mode to start designing. In the case of invisible item frames, they allow players to put their items on walls without needing to create a physical frame. The item will then just hang up on the wall without any additional support. Invisible frames are great if the player has a favorite weapon or armor they want to display.
It's important to mention this there are two different versions of the game available, Minecraft Bedrock and Java. Bedrock players include all different types of platforms, while Java only focuses on the PC and Mac versions of the game. As one might expect, the PC and Mac versions of the game allow for way more freedom with modding and customization than other versions. However, the console versions of the games have their own limitations, due to which Invisible frames are only available as part of the game's Java version.
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In the Java version of the game, open up the command menu or the chat window. Minecraft will need to be updated to at least version 1.16 for this to work. Enter this code exactly how it is displayed: "/give @s item_frame{EntityTag:{Invisible:1}}." Now, the player will need to choose who they wish to give the invisible frame to. There are options to choose in the Java Version of Minecraft between the nearest player, all players, or random entities on the map.
After selecting one of these options, the invisible frame should appear in their inventory. As for Bedrock players,