Dangerous Aliens civilisations are present within the Milky Way Galaxy! And that too, there are four of them, who could attack our planet Earth, says a researcher. This will be due to humans sending extraterrestrial messages to several exoplanets in ur galaxy, where the chances of getting a response from is possible, and it could lead to Earth getting attacked by extraterrestrial beings. The claim was made by Alberto Caballero, a PhD student in conflict resolution at the University of Vigo in Spain and the author of a separate study published in Cambridge University’s peer-reviewed International Journal of Astrobiology in the paper “Estimating the Prevalence of Malicious Extraterrestrial Civilizations”.
In a report from Vice, it says that Caballero did a study where he wanted to learn how many invasions have happened on Earth over the last 50 years from various countries. He then took this data and applied it to all the known and yet to be known exoplanets, which also included potentially habitable exoplanets. He eventually concluded that probability of a dangerous alien civilisation invading Earth is very low at the moment.
"The probability of extraterrestrial invasion by a civilization whose planet we message is, therefore, around two orders of magnitude lower than the probability of a planet-killer asteroid collision," says the Caballero. Note that the chances of us getting wiped by a planet killing asteroid is a one-in-100-million-years event, which he also mention in his paper.
To keep all of you calm, there’s another interesting bit in this report. Out of all these possible alien worlds, only one of these malicious civilisations may have mastered the interstellar travel, and they could fall in the Type 1 civilisation.
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