Miss Fortune recently received some major changes in League of Legends' PBE (Public Beta Environment) and it seems like Riot Games is giving her AP scaling quite a significant buff. While these changes have been advertised as nerfs, the terminology here is slightly confusing.
This is because the developers are basically trying to indirectly nerf her crit/lethality builds while providing buffs to her AP damage. Instead of making her AD build useless, the developers are simply pushing players towards AP builds.
Obviously, it is safe to say that fans are not exactly happy about these changes since many feel that the AP buffs will make her even more broken. Although AP Miss Fortune is currently quite obnoxious to deal with, these changes will make it almost impossible to trade hits with her during the laning phase.
Before proceeding any further, it is first important to list out all the changes that Miss Fortune has received in League of Legends' PBE.
The buffs that Miss Fortune is receiving to her AP scaling are as follows:
Based on these numbers, it is clear that the developers are significantly buffing the AP scaling for her E and R abilities. Although the slow from her E ability has been decreased, the problem is that this reduction does not matter much in the long run.
This was primarily because the slow was never an issue to begin with and it was the damage that she dealt through her E that was problematic. Looking at these changes, the E ability is getting a significant buff on the AP scaling, which means that squishy ADCs playing against Miss Fortune in the lane will get even more harassed.
These changes will make support Miss Fortune strong in League of Legends as she will become a potent lane partner who can harass
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