The chemistry system in FIFA 23 has undergone a massive change as EA Sports has introduced a new mechanism. It's different from the older link feature that worked directly between the cards and required the players to concentrate on them. Under the new system, the position of a card is essential in one sense, and unimportant in another.
Due to the changes, a player can have a maximum of 33 chemistry points, which directly breaks down into each card having a total of three points. While it is not rocket science, it has often led to confusion among gamers. Moreover, there's always a chance of them going overkill with cards from the same league.
Using all cards from the same league is the easiest thing to do while achieving full chemistry. However, many players need to realize that they might not have to do that in FIFA 23 to have a full 33/33 score for their team. In fact, some easy workarounds allow them to be much more flexible.
The older chemistry system had much more rigid requirements when it came to offering green links. It relied heavily on the links between the two cards, and often forced players to pick one that might have had a better alternative. In the new system, cards will find links to each other irrespective of their positions.
As the main target is to score 33/33 chemistry points, going with a single league is smart. However, getting all the cards from the same league is overkill, and that's due to a cap put on league bonuses. In FIFA 23, chemistry points depend on the league, nation, and certain special conditions. Since the last one is applicable for unique cards only, it's better to concentrate on the first two.
While cards belonging to the same league and/or nation will add to the chemistry points, bonuses