The Mario Kart series continues to be one of the most beloved and successful around the world. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe recently became the best-selling game in the series, as the franchise as a whole has sold over 160 million copies world-wide. It is easy to wonder what it would be like to drive a kart from the games in real life, and one creative fan wanted to try it out for himself, with amazing results.
DanCreator's recent video has gained a lot of traction. In the video, DanCreator takes everyday cardboard and turns it into a Mario Kart arcade machine and a drivable kart. The functionality in these creations are impressive to say the least, but the visual design may be even more impressive.
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The video starts out with DanCreator making a Nintendo Labo-like arcade version of Mario Kart. Some parts of the design are extremely intricate, such as making an actual accelerator pedal that uses the Joy-Con along with a cardboard wheel that uses another for steering. Meanwhile, the massive arcade-base that holds the television and Switch are also a part of the creation, as well as a comfortable seat. The YouTuber then polishes the design with colors, speakers connected to the chair, LED lights, and more.
As impressive as the Mario Kart arcade machine is, DanCreator one ups himself on the second half of the video by showing off a drivable kart. The YouTuber uses inflatable pool tubes and a vacuum that pushes out air to create a hover-like effect. While the base of the kart is those pool tubes and plywood, the rest of the creation is made out of cardboard. DanCreator again pimps out the kart with LED lights, beautiful colors, and more. Finally, the kart is tested in a large gym, where the