The Palantiri, also known as the Seven Seeing Stones of Middle Earth, are probably one of the most curious and unusual magical objects in all of the realms. These obsidian orbs are a quintessential example of how something that is created for good, and has amazing and powerful abilities, can be twisted and corrupted to suit an evil purpose. These once beautiful creations are highly dangerous and greatly feared by the time the War of the Ring starts near the end of the Third Age, hence why Gandalf is so stern with Pippin when he picks one of the orbs up, and so relieved that it doesn’t cause more trauma and mental scarring when he sees Sauron through it.
The Palantiri were originally created by the great men of Numenor, in order to allow them to keep in touch with each other over the vast distances of their realms, to survey and protect the lands from raiders and enemies who might try to siege or harm their people, and to allow them glimpses into both the past and the future, in order to best chart their course and steer their decisions for the greater good. However, all of these abilities of the stones become deadly when placed in the hands of Sauron, who infects the stones, and uses them to help him corrupt both Saruman, who as the White wizard and head of the council, should have known better, and the Steward of Gondor Denethor, whose weak mind is driven to madness and despair by the horrible fate that Sauron shows him in the orb.
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Interestingly though, it may have been possible for the orbs to be cleansed of the dark lords influence once he was defeated by the ring of power being thrown into the flames of Mount Doom. As the Palantiri were creatures with purity and