In 2010, NetDevil developed a LEGO MMO titled LEGO Universe. The game brought players to an alternate universe filled with LEGO minifigures, where they were sent on a mission to stop a Maelstrom from destroying the universe. Upon release the game garnered decent reviews, but after two years the servers were shut down due to unsatisfactory revenue. LEGO tried again with LEGO Minifigures Online in 2015, but that met the same fate as its predecessor a year later.
LEGO has been a strong player in the video game market thanks to Traveller's Tales LEGO games, but it has struggled breaking into the MMO genre. LEGO Universe was flawed, but the game proved to be a lot of fun. There have been restoration attempts thanks to projects like Darkflame Universe, but it did not receive LEGOs blessing and instead went open source. LEGO is sitting on a treasure trove of franchises and content that would help create a great MMO, and expanding upon the framework of LEGO Universe could go a long way to creating a strong experience.
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LEGO Universe had players select one of four factions, each having three specialties with different gear and weapons. The Sentinels utilized heavy weapons and armor, The Venture League was all about exploring and using light weapons, The Assembly focused on building and creating weapons, and The Paradox used range attacks stemming from the Maelstrom. Specialties included Knight, Samurai, Buccaneer, Engineer, Sorcerer, and Space Marauders, representing typical MMO classes that would guide the player through their journey.
Once players created their own personal minifigure, they were thrown into two starting worlds to learn the ropes: Venture