Continuing along in our quest through Klonoa: Door To Phantomile, we have reached the game's second vision. Here the player will be contending with some new enemy types, such as the Monkey Moos, while dealing with new hazards, such as a treacherous plunge down a watery rapid. And all the while they will be attempting to free all those captive Phantomilians!
Related: Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series: Beginner TipsLuckily, we have all the inside scoops and can lead you to each and every desirable collectible in this pair of stages. No Phantomilian will go unrescued! No Ngpoko Egg will go uncracked! We even have all the tips you need to collect all 150 Dream Stones. So, tuck in and prepare yourself to conquer another vision.
Forlock The Tree Village is aptly named. You will spend your time hopping from tree branch to tree branch. We hope you aren't afraid of heights, as a number of the collectibles you seek are hidden way up above you!
Once you encounter the large tree that has a monkey-like moo swinging from the branch below, you are going to want to grab that enemy and used them to propel yourself up to the platform above. From there, you will climb the platforms until you get to the topmost one. Here you will find the first Phantomilian (1/6). The second Phantomilian (2/2) is hiding in a Ngapoko Egg just after the section with the giant floating leaf platforms (this is the section just before you run into the oversized moo).
Once you reach the second section of the stage, you will be able to head directly to the right, open a door, and continue on with the level. However, instead of doing that, hop on top of the platform near the entrance to this section, and you will shift your perspective. Now, just head to the right