The solo developer behind the anime-styled Cyberpunk JRPG Jack Move, Edd Parris, has been developing games for more than a decade. Most of his early work was small-time games, developed to be enjoyed by his fellow community members. This changed with his newest game, a futuristic Cyberpunk RPG called Jack Move. Parris would take on personal and professional challenges to bring it to the public. The trials and tribulations of developing his first commercial game took him through long part-time periods and moving across the world to eventually find a publisher and a great team.
So Romantic was established to accommodate the transition from a hobbyist to a serious game developer. Parris' turn-based role-playing game, Jack Move, had been in the works for years, and new opportunities in life finally pushed Edd to make the jump to the unknown and commit to finishing his first commercial game. First, he had to figure out the team that would help him scale the game into a polished product. However, this also meant he needed to find a publisher and secure funding. Game Rant spoke to So Romantic's Edd Parris about the drawn-out development process and challenges of being a solo developer.
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Parris had been working at a marketing agency making websites and engineering backend systems but wanted to see if he could find a way inside the game industry. He had developed a few small games for his friends and the gaming community in his hometown of Brighton, UK. However, there was no clear avenue for him to switch career paths. Hosting game jams and running events was a way to try and get a foot in the door. One of his games, Bubble Tennis: Infatuation, was developed