There is no shortage of fun things to do in Itorah, a 2.5D platformer action-adventure game based on ancient Meso-American culture. But is there enough here to mark it out against other 2.5/2D titles?
Itorah appears to derive influences from many games: many of the enemies early in the game look and behave similar to Hollow Knight enemies, particularly the flying enemies.
Itorah also has the vibrant colour palette of Ori and similar lighting. However, the developers have done a great job bringing together different elements of other games to allow Itorah to become its own creature.
The story of Itorah is nothing new. A great plague has taken over all the main spirits, or demi-gods of the world and the plague needs to be vanquished in order to save the world.
The simplicity of the story is not one of the bones of contention for this title. In fact, an overly complex story would encumber such a game as this. So for those who want a Metroid-vania with a lighter story.
Characters are all likeable and cuddly looking, as well as all being colourful as the world they inhabit. And all dialogue is often humorous and playful.
The world of Itorah feels friendly with measured levels of threat. Environmental damage is low and all characters, even some of the enemies, feel warm, fuzzy and friendly, with their bright colours and smiles.
Some enemies early in the game barely attack the player. They simply fly around or jump along on their merry way. So it makes anyone feel bad for killing such passive, beautifully drawn creatures.
Generally, the world-building of Itorah is solid. All the different aspects, from story to character to aesthetics, this is a coherent, well-crafted world.
Visually, this is an utterly breathtaking game. The