After all the preparation you've been through, you've finally pulled all five disparate islands together using the electromagnets, beaten a ton of bosses both on land and in the sky, and now it's time for the final showdown.
RELATED: Islets: How To Complete The Scavenger Hunt
The final stretch of Islets puts you up against some of the hardest platforming in the entire game and three unique boss fights. This guide looks at BoneGolem, a very long, sinister mountain of malice who knows exactly how to ruin your day, all with a grin on its face. Here's how to take down the shambling menace.
The BoneGolem actually has three phases - you'll know exactly when they occur, though, don't worry. It's extremely obvious when they happen.
Despite having three entire phases and lots of attacks, BoneGolem's difficulty stays generally consistent throughout the entire fight.
NEXT: Islets: How To Beat The Tomb Of 1000 Spirits