Greetings, Adventurers,
We are excited to announce the release of the Expedition Group Finder!
Players can use the Group Finder to more easily form parties and complete group activities. In this article, you'll find step by step instructions as well as an FAQ. We plan to roll out additional features in future updates.
Group Finder is an Expedition-only feature. Once you’ve discovered (visited) an Expedition, you will be able to access the Group Finder UI in one of two ways:
At the Expedition Entrance, you’ll now see a “Find Group” button. Click it to view the Group Finder for that Expedition.
On the map, there is now a “View Expedition” button on the tooltip for each Expedition Icon. Click it to reveal that Expedition’s Entrance Screen from anywhere in Aeternum and then click the “Find Group” button to use the Group Finder.
You can now also enter any Expedition regardless of your location through the map’s “View Expedition” button, even if you don’t use the Group Finder.
Note that if you’re viewing a Mutated Expedition, the “Find Group” button will select whichever Mutated Difficulty level you have selected in the list on the left. There is currently no way to view Group Lobbies for all Mutated Difficulty levels at once. That functionality is a high priority for future versions of Group Finder.
After clicking “Find Group,” you’ll see a list of Lobbies. These are different than groups. Lobbies are staging areas with a dedicated Lobby chat channel for communication. Once full, the original poster can start the Expedition and convert that Lobby into a group.
You can either apply to existing Lobbies (up to 100 at a time), or create your own. You can also leave the Group Finder UI to keep adventuring while your applications are