Patch 9.2 twists class balance in Shadowlands with the return of Tier Set bonuses and allowing players to use double legendaries. To help you understand the impact of these class changes, we've asked our Class Guide Writers to analyze Blizzard's updates and detail their predictions for best double legendaries, best talents, and best covenant for Shadowlands Season 3.Note: Blizzard is still hotfixing 9.2 content on the PTR, so some details may change before launch, in which case we will update our guides. The articles linked on this page are published in addition to our usual updates for 9.1, which will be live closer to patch launch.
Blood DKFrost DKUnholy DK Havoc DHVengeance DH Balance DruidFeral DruidGuardian DruidRestoration Druid Beast Mastery HunterMarksmanship HunterSurvival Hunter Arcane MageFire MageFrost Mage Brewmaster MonkMistweaver MonkWindwalker Monk Holy PaladinProtection PaladinRetribution Paladin Discipline PriestHoly PriestShadow Priest Assassination RogueOutlaw RogueSubtlety Rogue Elemental ShamanEnhancement ShamanRestoration Shaman Affliction WarlockDemonology WarlockDestruction Warlock Arms WarriorFury WarriorProtection WarriorWhile the above pages contextualize the class changes in 9.2, we also have pages listing the complete datamined changes for each class, including new spells and coefficient tuning. The following pages do not provide as much analysis on each class in 9.2, but serve as a repository for all changes presented in the style of patch notes. Death Knight 9.2 Changes Demon Hunter 9.2 Changes Druid 9.2 Changes Hunter 9.2 Changes Mage 9.2 Changes Monk 9.2 Changes Paladin 9.2 Changes Priest 9.2 Changes Rogue 9.2 Changes Shaman 9.2 Changes Warlock 9.2 Changes Warrior 9.2 Changes