Death is a harsh reality of life. However, the first death you will encounter in I Was A Teenage Exocolonist is one of the worst. In a freak accident, Tammy, the sweetest little girl in the colony and Auntie Seedant's protegé, will pass away just months after your ship lands in Vertumna.
Related: I Was A Teenage Exocolonist: How To Unlock And Use The Spa
Tammy's death is a significant moment for many reasons. On the one hand, it represents the tragedy and sacrifices to start a new civilization. But on the other hand, however, it's a moment that illustrates the game's malleable sense of time and destiny. For instance, what if we told you there is a way to save Tammy's life?
SPOILER ALERT: This guide references several plot points in I Was A Teenage Exocolonist. Therefore, we recommend finishing your first game playthrough before reading this guide.
The first question you're likely wondering is whether Tammy's death was preventable. After all, if you're like us, you probably left Tammy alone while pursuing Auntie Seedant's delectable cotton candy. However, we can confirm that this death occurs no matter your choice.
The content warnings allude to Tammy's death, stating:
"Tammy can die in an accident in the first year of the game. It is trivial to save her on a second playthrough."
You'll experience several dreams in your first playthrough that feel like an odd Deja vú. Often, these prophetic visions of the future will feature your friends looking several years older. However, these dreams don't get much attention or explanation. At least not until you die.
Once you finish your first playthrough, you'll watch an ending describing the life you led past the age of twenty. You'll also learn how the colony faired, whether it