JetSynthesys has been a reputable name in the Indian gaming scene over the last few years. The company has invested heavily in building fun games, with some succeeding in their respective genres. Games like Real Cricket have become identifiable and gelled well with the Indian gaming community.
Regarding gaming, the Indian ecosystem has grown massively across all platforms. This has been especially successful since women have also begun actively engaging with all the professions associated with the sphere.
On Women’s Day, we spoke with Rajan Navani, Founder and CEO of JetSynthesys about how gaming is gaining popularity and female gamers' role.
Navani started with how the gaming ecosystem in India has grown despite the Covid pandemic and where female gamers fit into all of this.
He also pointed out how India’s share of professionals engaged with gaming is more equalitarian. He also explained how government support has helped enhance this growth:
JetSynthesys has been busy building a competitive ethos surrounding video games:
It's evident that gaming will continue to evolve in India, with JetSynthesys playing an active role. However, ensuring that the community continues to involve men and women equally across all spheres is largely important.
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