The Joy-Con IR sensor is a weird beast, and one that I don’t interact with often. At all, really! It came screaming out of the gate with 1-2 Switch compatibility, but has since mostly trailed off. Mostly.
I was reminded by this Reddit thread that the right Switch Joy-Con does in fact have an IR sensor; some Nintendo documents call it the “IR motion camera.” Now, if you haven’t interacted with it in any way, that’s kind of normal. The total number of games that can wield the power of the IR motion camera is a very small list, and only several of them are particularly noteworthy. While there was a time when 1-2 Switch was relevant, that time passed roughly a week after it launched. Labo sadly has similarly fallen into obscurity. As of now, the most notable games I’d cite as IR motion camera ready are Ring Fit Adventure, Resident Evil Revelations, and Brain Age Switch.
Below is a list compiled by Reddit user extremeelementz, which we’ve elaborated on and added to.