Hulu's Woke, created by Keith Knight and Marshall Todd, has been canceled after just two seasons. Inspired by the life of Knight, a cartoonist and musician known for comics such as The K Chronicles, the live-action-animated comedy series followed Keef, a visual artist and creator of the fictional Toast & Butter, who, after being racially profiled, found himself able to see and hear inanimate objects. Premiering back in September of 2020, the show, like much of Knight's work, maintained its humor while exploring important and relevant social and political themes, including racism and identity. The second season of Woke debuted on April 8, 2022 after being renewed almost two years prior. It starred Lamorne Morris, Blake Anderson, T. Murph, Rose McIver, and Sasheer Zamata.
Now, Deadline reports that Woke has been canceled by Hulu following the recent release of season 2. The decision to not move forward with a third season might come as a surprise to some, considering the series has been well received by both critics and audiences, who praised its cast and ability to balance tones to express what the idea of «woke» means. At this time, it's unknown why Hulu has decided not to renew the series.
Related: Hulu's Woke Cast Guide: Where You've Seen The Actors Before
While the news of Woke's cancellation may upset fans of the show, they can still look forward to seeing what Knight does next and how he continues to expand the conversation surrounding activism in other his works. Season 2 introduced audiences to Keef's fight with art-ivism and touched on some of the difficulties involved with taking action. When it comes to the cast of Woke, fans can be sure to keep tabs on Lamorne Morris and others and can catch them in any