Travelers only need eight Starlight Coalescences in Genshin Impact 2.8 to get a myriad of Luxurious Chests on the Minacious Isle. Keep in mind that there are 18 possible spawns for one to collect. As a result, some players might wonder what to do with the remaining ten. Unfortunately, there is no use for them.
Genshin Impact players only need to collect eight of them to get the three Luxurious Chests associated with this item. There is one particular area where they can use Starlight Coalescence, which is the purpose of this guide. If Travelers already have those three Luxurious Chests, then they just need to know that they can't do anything else with this item as of now.
The above map shows Genshin Impact players the exact location where they can use Starlight Coalescences. It has to be in the first version of Minacious Isle, which they can access by using the "Place in Water" feature on the little pool of water west of the main Teleport Waypoint here.
Aside from that, here is a short guide on how they can access this specific area. It will start with an optional but recommended tip to reach the end destination quickly.
Genshin Impact players can climb up the mountain through the long way, but it's highly recommended for them to activate the Elemental Totems on the ground to create wind currents. That way, they can glide through the wind currents and get there much quicker.
After hitting the Hydro Totem on the arch, Travelers can look to the left and snipe the Pyro Totem on the sloped arch.
Approach the giant hole in the ground and look toward the bottom right to find the Cryo Totem. Hit it, and then glance at the bottom left to find the Anemo Totem.
After hitting the Anemo Totem, Genshin Impact players can ride on various