In Lost Ark, there are 95 Island Tokens to collect in the game. These Island Tokens can be collected and then turned into an NPC at Opher, the Lonely Island. Collecting all 95 Island Tokens will reward you with a breadth of different rewards, including Stat Potions, Skill Point Potions, Mounts, etc.
You can get the Oblivion Isle Island Token through an RNG drop by killing a boss found on the island. Oblivion Isle is an Adventure Island, meaning the island will only spawn at certain hours on certain days. You have to pay attention to your calendar about when Oblivion Isle will open for players. Here is the location of Oblivion Isle:
When you arrive at Oblivion Isle, head to the center of the island. Three minutes after you arrive, a boss will spawn at the center of the island. All you have to do is defeat the boss for a random chance at earning the Island Token at the conclusion of the fight.
Note: When the boss spawns, you’ll have to go to three different trees located around the map. These trees must be destroyed before the boss takes any damage. After you defeat the trees, the boss is easy and doesn’t have any major patterns of threatening moves to be aware of. Simply defeat the boss for a chance to win the Island Token.
That’s all you need to know about obtaining the Oblivion Isle Island Token in Lost Ark! This island will also give you a good amount of High Seas Coin Chests, which can give you coins like Sun Coins or Gienah’s Coins. Even if you have the Island Token, consider participating in this island! It will net you those coins which you can use to buy honing materials to progress your characters or other exclusive items.