Traveller's Tales is set to release the latest game in the LEGO Star Wars franchise, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. The Skywalker Saga will be the sixth mainline LEGO Star Wars game, adapting all Star Wars trilogies into one title. It will bring players on a huge journey across the saga and let them explore 24 iconic locales while playing as hundreds of characters.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga will be the most innovative LEGO game to-date. It will not only bring huge change to all Traveller's Tales LEGO games going forward, but it will also be the largest LEGO Star Wars game to hit shelves. The series has seen much change both graphically and mechanically throughout all six mainline titles, with Skywalker Saga being perhaps the largest leap forward.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is Packed With Weird Playable Characters, And That's Great
LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game launched in 2005 and served as the first video game in Traveller's Tales LEGO franchise. It adapted all three films in the prequel trilogy and introduced many of the franchise's staples. Players begin the game in Dexter's Diner where they could roam around, check out their minikit collection, buy new characters, fight others, and choose a movie to play. Each movie was composed of six chapters, filled to the brim with studs and minkits to collect. Throughout each chapter players would unlock more characters to play as — 56 playable characters in total (or 59 if played on the Game Boy Advance). LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game set up what fans love about the LEGO series, and for that it is fondly remembered
A year later, Traveller's Tales released LEGO Star Wars 2: The Original Trilogy, which adapted the original Star Wars trilogy. Instead of