Disney's Encanto is filled with incredible details, as the animated outfits secretly tease each character's powers. The story of the Madrigal family's abilities began with tragedy, but it proved to be the beginning of a new era for the lineage. Once the Madrigal family settled into their new home, each of Abuela Alma's descendants received special powers on their fifth birthday. This included getting a unique ability and specialized room, and even their clothes helped reveal what each person could do.
The powers of each Madrigal family member originated as a means to better protect each other and the community they started. However, Encanto followed the story of this special time potentially nearing its end. The Madrigal house began falling apart and the family candle began nearing the end of its wick. This set Mirabel on a journey to discover what was wrong with the family's abilities, even though she was viewed as a bit of an outcast because Mirabel didn't receive powers when she was younger. Encanto uses action, story, and musical numbers to explore the many unique abilities of the Madrigals. But, observant viewers or those in the community could easily learn about their powers by looking at their clothes.
Related: Encanto Secretly Debunked Several Theories About The Madrigals’ Gifts
Encanto doesn't explain why this is the case, but every character's power is teased through their outfits. Regardless of whether this is the result of the Madrigal family magic or a clever reference made by animators, a look at what each character is wearing teases their unique abilities in some way. This isn't based on colors but rather on the symbols, shapes, and patterns included in each character's outfit. For example, Bruno's ability
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