Set in modern Japan, Ghostwire: Tokyo accompanies players through the streets of Shibuya as Akito and KK confront the myriad of paranormal entities released into the open world by Hannya.
In extracting and sealing spirits, players can use Ethereal Weaving, which allows them to derive energy from ether to combat spirits.
Players are expected to strategize with the various attacking elements, weapons and special talismans to fend off all the malignant spirits they encounter. With the help of the lost souls of Shibuya, Akito and KK embark on a journey to save Tokyo from the clutches of Hannya in Ghostwire: Tokyo.
During Bethesda's recent showcase of Ghostwire: Tokyo, Sportskeeda Esports was provided an early look into the game. Mentioned in detail are the various skills and abilities available to players in-game.
Due to the supernatural nature of Akito's foes, players cannot use normal weapons to fight. The primary mode of combat in Ghostwire: Tokyo involves Ethereal Weaving, a technique that utilizes hand gestures to shape the player's supernatural energy during combat.
With their ether reserves, players can release three different forms of energy during combat: wind, water, and fire.
Wind energy is the most basic form of attack. It works similar to a weapon, allowing players to shoot bursts of energy onto their foes. Water energy can knock opponents down and deal considerable damage to a wide area at short range.
Fire attacks cause severe damage to enemies and can be potent in clearing masses of otherworldly spirits. Players also have access to earth energy to guard them against enemy attack.
A key feature in Ghostwire: Tokyo allows players to deal massive damage to their opponents after their cores are exposed. Once the enemies