The Alien franchise has had a bit of a rocky history with video games. While there have been some pretty great games featuring the titular bugs, such as the classic arcade Aliens Vs. Predator titles, the 2010 AvP game, and a few others along the way, standout Alien video game experiences are pretty rare. In the last 10 years, there's only really been one genuinely great Alien game: Alien: Isolation. But with Aliens: Dark Descent on the way, the franchise's luck might just change.
Taking the iconic imagery of the Aliens movies and fusing them with an isometric perspective and top-down shooter gameplay, Aliens: Dark Descent has a chance to break the Alien game curse, but it's going to take quite a bit of work. As is the case with adapting any popular franchise to the video game format, developers need to put a lot of effort into recreating the essence of the source material, while also making it fully interactive, and making the experience an enjoyable one. A few years ago, Alien: Isolation did just that, and hopefully Aliens: Dark Descent can do the same.
Routine Could Be Better Than Alien: Isolation
Alien: Isolation released in 2014 and was met with a fair amount of critical and fan acclaim. While some critics had their issues with the game's pacing and narrative, especially during the third act of the game, Alien: Isolation's atmosphere was unanimously praised by everyone who got their hands on it. With box-y 70s Sci-Fi technology strewn across the levels, and environments that perfectly captured the set design of the original Alien movie, Alien: Isolation managed to achieve the impressive feat of feeling like a genuine Alien product, made by the fans, for the fans.
But there's one other area that Alien: Isolation excelled