The manga & anime sports series, Haikyuu!!! soared in terms of popularity after its debut in 2014 due to its impressive storyline, unpredictable matches, and visible character development. Haruichi Furidate's manga masterpiece, with the aid of Production I.G, brought a new change to the existing sports anime formula, allowing Haikyuu!! to become a sensational and fan-loved show.
The crux of the series centers on Karasuno Volleyball team and the protagonist Hinata Shoyo. Regardless, Haikyuu!!! does more than focus on the spunky protagonist. It depicts the impressive character growth of characters like Kageyama Tobio and Tsukishima Kei. Tsukishima is one interesting character that slowly evolved in terms of ideals and attitude throughout the Haikyuu!!series. So, how much has the character changed since Season 1?
RELATED:Haikyuu!!! Special One-Shot Chapter Published in Celebration of the Manga's 10th Anniversary
In the first season of Haikyuu!!, Tsukishima was first portrayed as an unpleasant character with a talent for volleyball. At first, his actions were «off-putting» for Haikyuu!! fans because he was always that downer – the harbinger of the future, possible bad luck that comes with hard work, putting in much effort, and not reaping good results. The story's protagonist, Hinata, had to devise a working strategy: jump power to make up for his disadvantageous volleyball height. In line with Hinata's actions, Tsukishima's ideals had an irritating element since they downplayed the effort of the zealous character.
Despite Tsukishima’s snarky behavior, he is a talented volleyball player capable of performing well in a high-paced match. Coupled with his ball-handling talents, Tsukishima is a remarkably intelligent and strategic