has an even greater legacy to live up to since the addition of a new feature to . Expectations and rumors around have run rampant since well before it was even announced. With a first view of the game now available, and the possibility of a release date for coming soon, things have only gotten more complicated.
But perhaps the best indication of what's coming in is the new content already being added to. Rockstar is actively releasing new content for the live-service component of while the sequel is in development. Although the two projects likely have separate development teams, there's no reason they can't intersect.One new feature recently added to suggests a particular mindset going into .
In the latest series of missions added to, briefly allows players to drive a freight train. This has been a much-anticipated feature for almost the entirety of 's decade-long run. The train has always been visible on 's map, but would always pass players by. If they wanted to drive a train in, they'd be limited to the brief and aptly-named main story mission "." As of the most recent major update, though, it's also possible to drive a train in .
In order to drive the freight train, players must participate in the first of 's setup missions: "." After stealing some tech from Terrorbyte HQ, players proceed to a train yard, take out a series of guards, and loot a train key. What follows is a sequence in which players must keep the train moving, hack into a railroad switch, and fend off enemies with their sidearm all at once. It's pretty similar to the single-player mission that appears to have inspired it, but it's notable in its effort to finally bring an anticipated feature to .
Unfortunately, players can't drive the train in outside this one brief mission. However, the mission is infinitely repeatable.
A driveable train in creates bigger shoes for to fill, with expectations that begin with, but go far beyond more driveable trains in the sequel. Train missions have almost
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