Forspoken is one of the most anticipated games of 2022, with many fans eagerly awaiting the chance to play the magic-based RPG being developed by Luminous Productions. The game revolves around protagonist Frey, who is transported to the world of Athia where she discovers that she has magical abilities. She very soon discovers that Athia has been affected by a magical event that is corrupting all the residents of this world, including their once-benevolent rulers, known as the Tantas. These matriarchs serve as the main antagonist group in Forspoken.
The gameplay reveal trailer for Forspoken gave fans a glimpse at the Tantas and how they seem to use their magic to control the people of Athia. However, the Tantas have not always been the cruel rulers that they have now turned into; the infectious magic that is corrupting the world has also infected the Tantas and polluted them with newfound power. Frey will be combating these rulers to save Athia and hopefully cure them of the infecting magic, returning them to the beloved rulers they once were.
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The corruption bleeding into Athia is caused by an event known as The Break that has not only changed the inhabitants but also the landscape. As this corruption continues to find its way around Athia, it will be up to Frey to find some way of stopping it and getting the land back to normal. The Break is responsible for all the evil that now spreads through Athia, including the corruption of the land’s once-great rulers, now known as the Tantas.
The Tantas rule over Athia with a twisted sense of justice and power, often associating themselves with a single virtue. The rulers control different