Fight Club's screen adaptation introduced the world to Tyler Durden, the Narrator's alternate identity, and he peculiarly takes on the appearance of world-famous actor Brad Pitt. Fight Club has gone on to become one of the most iconic films of the 90s and a stand-out of David Fincher films. Adapted from the novel by Chuck Palahniuk, the film follows the everyman Narrator who meets the mysterious Tyler Durden — and from that point, chaos ensues.
Fight Club deals with a series of themes, but a key point of focus is mental illness, shown through the Narrator and his alternate identity. Tyler first appears in flashes in the film and then apparently meets the Narrator (played by 2008 Hulk, Edward Norton) directly on a flight, and Tyler seems to be everything he isn't. Tyler is fearless, flamboyant and he gets the girl, where the Narrator works a stale white-collar job and feels as though he lacks any meaning in his life. The film's twist reveals that the two were the same person all along, and the Narrator had projected this image of Tyler as a different person to him, who he distinctly envisioned him to look like Brad Pitt — so why is this the case?
Related: Brad Pitt's Fight Club Workout Routine
One theory via Reddit speculates that Fight Club's Narrator actually based Tyler's image on the real-life Brad Pitt. Tyler interjects at random points in the movie before he becomes a main character, but the first extensive look at him is first shown in a shot on the travelator in the airport, passing right by the Narrator. The theory goes that this could have actually been the real-life Se7en star Brad Pitt, and the Narrator saw him and internalized it to make his image of Tyler.
This could be a fairly plausible theory. Pitt on the