Following a teaser released during Comic-Con International: San Diego (seen below), Marvel Comics has revealed the new creative team of Fantastic Four following writer Dan Slott's upcoming departure from the title: writer Ryan North and artist Iban Coello.
That partially lines up with the teaser, which showed a compass rose pointing North and South with the words "Writer" and "Artist" accompanying each, respectively. 'North' obviously lines up with Ryan North as writer, but it's unclear how or if the teaser was meant to indicate Iban Coello as his collaborator with the 'South' designator.
Either way, North and Coello will kick off their FF run by trapping Ben Grimm and his wife Alicia Masters in a Groundhog Day-style time loop in a small town. And from there, the new creative team looking to bring some classic Star Trek adventure of the week type storytelling.
"I want to do these smaller, self-contained stories in the vein of '60s Star Trek, where they go down to a planet, find a weird thing, fix the weird thing, and move on," North tells Entertainment Weekly (opens in new tab), who first announced the new FF creative team.
"Having these four weirdos roll into town where there's a mystery or a problem or some sci-fi thing, solve the problem, and then move on struck me as a very interesting way to position the Fantastic Four and tell stories that would feel fresh and not like a retread of what we've seen before."
The new Fantastic Four #1 from North and Coello goes on sale in November.
And here's a newly-released variant cover to the debut issue by Frank Miller.
Original story follows...
Marvel's First Family will be under the guidance of a new creative team this November. At Marvel's Next Big Thing panel on Saturday at