The animals in Disney's Encanto have real meaning, as they capture the personalities of the beloved animated film's many colorful characters. Numerous Colombian animals are featured throughout the film, particularly in scenes involving little Antonio (voiced by Ravi Cabot-Conyers), whose gift enables him to understand them. A menagerie of capybara, tapir, coatimundis, toucans, hummingbirds, and even a jaguar fill Antonio's room when he receives his gift during his fifth birthday ceremony. These animals reflect the rich diversity of fauna in the rainforests of Colombia while adding color and movement to Encanto's musical story.
Antonio's squawking and snuffling friends are not the only animals in the movie. Donkeys feature in Luisa's (Jessica Darrow) song, «Surface Pressure», and rats scurry in the walls where Bruno (John Leguizamo) lives in hiding. Yet perhaps the most memorable of all the animals featured throughout Encanto are the iconic butterflies that appear when Mirabel (Stephanie Beatriz) and Abuela Alma (María Cecilia Botero) join together in mutual understanding.
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As well as having adorable eyes and fluffy tails, Encanto's animals carry a symbolic meaning as they explain the emotions and personalities of characters they are associated with. As pack animals notorious for their ability to carry heavy loads, the donkeys which Luisa lifts represent the intense burdens placed upon her as the «strong one» of the family. While Luisa’s secret room is never revealed, the donkeys and her endless heavy lifting demonstrate the constant demands placed upon her. In the song «Surface Pressure,» it is clear that this donkey-carrying superhero wants