The highly successful Disney film Encanto follows the Madrigal family, all of whom live miraculously despite their outer tribulations, bestowing each family member with gifts — the gift of magic. Throughout the entirety of the Madrigal family tree, clairvoyance, super-human strength, and even animal telepathy are gifted.
Each of them undergoes a gift ceremony as a child, and they all receive an ability that reflects and matches their personality. However, Encanto's main heroine Mirabel is seemingly the only one who has yet to be blessed with her gifts. The entirety of this process and these traditional ceremonies has left fans digging, resulting in a surplus of Encanto gift fan theories. Some Madrigal family members even possess multiple gifts, leaving fans even more hungry to decipher and uncover the answers to the giant question mark that was instead left in Mirabel's place.
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Now, during a Twitter Q&A, director Jared Bush finally opens up about why the Disney movie specifically uses the term 'gifts' to symbolize their power. He cited three main reasons why the word 'gifts' perfectly matched the intentionality of his message behind the film. The Encanto director revealed that the first reason is there is an inherent family tie to gift-giving in general. Most people receive their first gift from a family member, give their first gift to a family member, and naturally think of family when holidays come to mind. The second reason that Bush cited was that the word gift refers more so to the natural progression that leads up to a miracle. Therefore, receiving the gift is not necessarily the end, but rather the beginning of the birth of a miracle.
Learning how to master one's gifts and knowing