In Dying Light 2, crafting resources of all kinds will be used to upgrade weapons, improve items like lockpicks, and even repair bats and machetes for prolonged use against the hordes of undead and outlaws alike. Other than Inhibitors, which raise your health and stamina levels permanently, perhaps the most important--and most elusive--resource in the game is Miltary Tech. Dying Light 2 Military Tech is found quite sparingly in the world, and never in easy-to-reach places. Luckily, the game uses a particular tell for marking caches of Military Tech in the world. Here's how to spot it and why it's so important.
On your travels, you'll come across plenty of key ingredients scattered in streets, subways, and houses to help make Aiden stronger, faster, and tougher. Military Tech, however, won't be found at ground level. For that, you'll need to look up. Military Tech is always found high above most of the city, sitting in locked caches that were airdropped in the city of Villedor by the now-defunct military.
You'll know Military Tech has been left out in the open for you whenever you see a tan parachute draped over the side of a building's roof, a broken highway, or a natural peak. Sometimes you'll see these from the streets far below, but it will always mean the cache is at the very top, not hiding somewhere on a lower floor. A good trick to finding lots of Military Tech is to use your binoculars from a high point such as a windmill, radio tower, or Nightrunner safe zone. Once spotted in your binoculars, the Military Tech will be placed on your map and compass permanently.
To claim the Military Tech, you'll need to find where to scale the building. Sometimes this means taking a winch straight to the top quickly. Sometimes