The world of Cyberpunk is vast. Since the series was created in 1988 as a pen-and-paper RPG series, the franchise has spawned numerous sequels and spin-offs. After a lengthy hiatus following the 1990 sequel, the series returned in 2019 with Cyberpunk RED, created to coincide with the 2020 release of Cyberpunk 2077, the open-world RPG video game from developer CD Projekt Red. These newer projects brought Cyberpunk's world into the mainstream, and have paved the way for future projects.
Given the scope of Cyberpunk 2077, it was perhaps inevitable that it would spawn spin-offs and other projects that take place in Night City. Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, a ten-episode anime series that will debut on Netflix on September 13, is the first of these spin-offs. It promises to tell a standalone story that follows a street kid trying to survive in the technology and body-modification obsessed futuristic Night City. With confirmation that Cyberpunk: Edgerunners will be based within the same world and city as Cyberpunk 2077, fans of the first-person RPG will be keen to know what, if any, links will be present between the two.
Cyberpunk 2077: Every Radio Station, Ranked
The hype surrounding Cyberpunk 2077's release was huge. Coming off The Witcher 3's critical and commercial success, CD Projekt Red was riding a fresh wave of optimism, and had made some incredibly ambitious promises regarding what gamers could expect from Cyberpunk 2077. While the now-infamous launch was something of an unmitigated disaster riddled with glitches, the developer has tried to fix the game over time through patches. Over time, that goal has gone some way to being achieved, and while it hasn't won everyone over, most critics and gamers agree that Cyberpunk 2077 is